Dottorato di ricerca in Ingegneria civile

The course aims at training highly qualified specialists, capable of carrying out theoretical and applied research for public and private institutions, within the area of Civil Engineering. Each PhD student takes on a specific research topic in the framework of Civil Engineering, consistent with the research activities and skills encompassed by the research groups, namely road engineering, transportation engineering, marine and water resources engineering, hydrology and hydraulics, structural mechanics, geotechnical engineering, earthquake and structural engineering.

The training covers both theoretical and practical aspects of Civil Engineering aiming at contributing to their advancement.

The course thus aims at training specialized professionals for highly qualified tasks within public and private organizations and research institutes, national and international, as well as training new academics in Civil Engineering. The course also provides advanced skills tailored to the professional engineering practice.

Link identifier #identifier__110398-1Link identifier #identifier__124641-2Link identifier #identifier__39821-3Link identifier #identifier__83913-4
Guglielmo Mizzoni 09 Settembre 2022