Attività formative e di ricerca


Link identifier #identifier__153227-1Offerta formativa didattica per l’anno 2024


Marfia, Paolacci, Tomasetti, Malena (Università Roma Tre) CORSO Understanding nonlinear problems in civil and industrial engineering (5 lezioni) 6/05/2019 – 10/05/2019
Jorge Carvalho Pais (University of Minho, Portugal) CORSO Design and construction of transport infrastructures (4 lezioni) 20/05/2019 – 23/05/2019
Aldo Fiori (Università Roma Tre) CORSO Introduction to geostatistical analysis, with applications using Mathematica (13 lezioni – ANNUALE) 22/05/2019 – 3/07/2019
Paolacci, Franco, Pierazzi, Cristiano, Cibati, Roscini CORSO Scientific, Grant Writing and Presentation Skills 17-18/06/2019
Elena Volpi (Università Roma Tre) CORSO Statistics and stochastic processes (for environmental engineering) 6 lezioni 17-25/07/2019
Giorgio Bellotti (Università Roma Tre) CORSO Metodi numerici per l’Ingegneria Costiera 17-20/09/2019
Fabio Podio Guidugli (University of Pisa) CORSO Continuum Thermodynamics (4 lezioni) 17-18/10/2019 – 24-25/10/2019
Fernando P. Duda (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) CORSO Continuum mechanics of deformation, diffusion and fracture 28/11/2019 – 5/12/2019
Fabio D’Andreagiovanni (CNRS-Sorbonne) CORSO Optimization models and algorithms for Capacitated Network Design 12-13/12/2019
Rui Ferreira (Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisbon) SEMINARIO Characterization of Turbulent Flows within Wall-Mounted Cylindrical Obstacles 29/1/2019
Rui Ferreira (Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisbon) SEMINARIO Tsunami Run-Up in Real Geometries. Key Concepts, Mathematical Modelling and Risk Management 31/1/2019
Fabio Pasquali SEMINARIO Cost-benefit analysis of transport infrastructure projects: the case of the Turin-Lyon high speed rail line 25/3/2019
Antonio Maria D’Altri, Giovanni Castellazzi, Stefano de Miranda (DICAM University of Bologna) SEMINARIO Advances in Computational Analysis of Masonry Structures 5/4/2019
Annette Grilli (University of Rhode Island) SEMINARIO Modeling the impact of extreme storms on coastal local communities and the associated risk at the residential scale. Case study in Rhode Island USA 10/6/2019
Stephan Grilli (University of Rhode Island) SEMINARIO Recent progress in the modeling of the 1908 Messina tsunami, and recent historical and hypothetical events (Tohoku 2011 tsunami, Anak Krakatau volcanic collapse and tsunami 2018, and US east coast tsunami sources) 10/6/2019
Robert J. Flatt (ETH ZURICH) SEMINARIO Digital concrete opportunities and challenges 13/6/2019
Link identifier #identifier__182771-2Link identifier #identifier__113709-3Link identifier #identifier__7383-4Link identifier #identifier__91124-5
mcristiano 02 Aprile 2024