The MCIPLab is a teaching and research facility on Critical Infrastructures Protection. The main research topics at the Laboratory are in the fields of
- Interdependency Modeling
- Modeling and simulation of complex systems
- Resilient systems
- SCADA cyber-security
- Data fusion
- Distributed algorithms in Sensor Networks
- Smart Energy Management
- Decentralised Traffic Control
- Building Automation Systems
The staff of the Laboratory is also involved in the graduate and undergraduate education programs in Computer Science and Automation Technology at the Roma TRE University.
Critical Infrastructures Protection
risk prediction in interdependent infrastructures
Interdependency modelingtheLink identifier #identifier__41482-1 CISIA simulation project |
- Guarda il nostro Link identifier #identifier__58803-2regolatore per mascherine chirurgiche stampato in 3D
- Stampa in 3D la Link identifier #identifier__156165-3maschera di protezione contro la trasmissione del virus
to avoid intrusions
Indoor Localization Systems
for emergency operations
Modeling and Control of Flexible Structures
from robot to eolic wind turbines
Smart Grids
interacting subgrids control and synchronization
Building Automation Systems
energetic buildings diagnosis
Sensor Networks
deployment, routing, localisation
Water Distribution Systems
fault diagnosis
Intelligent Transportation Systems
15 Novembre 2024