

Chiara Foglietta, Stefano Panzieri, Donato Macone, Francesco Liberati, and Andrea Simeoni, “Detection and Impact of Cyber Attacks in a Critical Infrastructure Scenario: the CockpitCI Approach,” International Journal System of Systems Engineering, Inder eds., vol. 4, n. 3/4, pag. 211-221, 09, 2013.

P. capodieci, M. Minichino, S. Panzieri, M. castrucci, A. Neri, L. Lev, P. Simoes, “MICIE: An alerting framework for interdependent critical infrastructures,” In Towards a Service Based Network – Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6481, pag. 207-208, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.

S. De Porcellinis, S. Panzieri, R. Setola, “Modelling critical infrastructure via a mixed holistic reductionistic approach,” Int. Journal of Critical Infrastructures, Inderscience eds., vol. 5, n. 1/2, pag. 86-99, Inderscience, 2009.

Stefano De Porcellinis, Gabriele Oliva, Stefano Panzieri and Roberto Setola, “A Holistic-Reductionistic Approach for Modeling Interdependencies ,” Critical Infrastructure Protection III, M. Papa and S. Shenoi eds., vol. 311/2009, pag. 215-227, Springer, 2009.

Stefano De Porcellinis, Gabriele Oliva, Stefano Panzieri and Roberto Setola, “Modelling Interdependency among Phisical, Cyber and Human Behaviour via a MHR approach. ,”Proc. of COST09 Workshop, ETH Zurich, , June 8-13, 2009.

P. Capodieci, M. Castrucci, E. Ciancamerla, S. Deporcellinis, S. Diblasi, C. Foglietta, D. Lefevre, L. Lev, M. Minichino, S. Panzieri, P. Simoes, Y. Shneck, V. Suraci, “From heterogeneous modeling and analysis to an online prediction tool to improve QoS of interdependent networks,” Electricity 2009, the annual conference of Electrical and Electronic Engineers in Israel, November, 2009

Stefano De Porcellinis, Gabriele Oliva, Stefano Panzieri and Roberto Setola, “Modelling Interdependency among Phisical, Cyber and Human Behaviour via a MHR approach. ,”Proc. of COST09 Workshop, ETH Zurich, , June 8-13, 2009.

S. De Porcellinis, S. Panzieri, R. Setola, G. Ulivi, “Simulation of Heterogeneous and Interdependent Critical Infrastructures,” Int. Journal of Critical Infrastructures, vol. 4, n. 1/2, pag. 110-128, Inderscience Ent.. Ltd., UK, 2008.

M. Aprile, S. De Porcellinis, S. Panzieri, R. Setola, “Simulazione di infrastrutture critiche eterogenee e interdipendenti ,” Automazione e Strumentazione, vol. LV, n. 8, pag. 88-97, Edizioni Fiera Milano, September, 2007.

S. De Porcellinis, S. Panzieri, R. Setola, “Model Critical Infrastructure via a Mixed Holistic-Reductionistic Approach,” Workshop on Critical Infrastructures as Complex Systems, European Conf. on Complex Systems (ECCS07), Dresden, D, October, 2007.

S. De Porcellinis, S. Panzieri, R. Setola, G. Ulivi, “CISIA: A Simulator for critical Infrastructures,” Proc. of the Int. Congr. 2006- Methodologies for Emerging Technologies in Automation (ANIPLA 2006), Roma, Italy, 2006

S. Panzieri, R. Setola, G. Ulivi, “An agent based simulator for critical interdependent infrastructures,” 2nd Int. Conf. on Critical Infrastructures (CRIS 2004), Grenoble, France, October , 2004.

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spanzieri 15 Novembre 2024