Software Repository
Installation starts cloning the two GitHub projects that can be found here:
Version 2024a requires
- MATLAB 2024a
- MySQL Community Server – GPL: version 8.0.22
- Link identifier #identifier__35212-1 (necessary)
- Link identifier #identifier__195529-2 (only for obtaining CISIAproDesign source code)
Version 2022b requires
- MATLAB 2022b
- MySQL Community Server – GPL: version 8.0.22
- Link identifier #identifier__26751-3 (necessary)
- Link identifier #identifier__95084-4 (only for obtaining CISIAproDesign source code)
After cloning, the folder CISIAmat will contain:
- SQL database Dump,
- Design directory with the install file of CISIAproDesign MATLAB Application,
- Schemes directory with same examples and the basic block library.
CISIAproDesign folder will contain the source files of CISIAproDesign MATLAB Application to use only for developing purpose.
Database installation
CISIAproDesign installation
22 Novembre 2024