Link identifier archive #link-archive-97075Colloquium di Matematica: Laura DeMarco (Harvard)

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Colloquium di Matematica: Laura DeMarco (Harvard)
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Venerdì 24 Maggio alle ore 14:30, Laura DeMarco (Harvard University), terrà il Colloquium di Matematica dal titolo "The Mandelbrot set: geometry and arithmetic".Abstract: The Mandelbrot set M has been studied for many years and continues to baffle mathematicians.…

Link identifier archive #link-archive-20605Colloquium di Matematica: On the abc Conjecture and some of its consequences

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Colloquium di Matematica: On the abc Conjecture and some of its consequences
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Martedì 14 novembre alle ore 16:15, Michel Waldschmidt (Sorbonne University Institut Mathématique de Jussieu), terrà il Colloquium di Matematica dal titolo "On the abc Conjecture and some of its consequences".Abstract:According to Nature News, 10 September 2012, quoting Dorian Goldfeld, the abc Conjecture is…

Link identifier archive #link-archive-42354Dalle radici dell'unità a Manin-Mumford e oltre

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Dalle radici dell'unità a Manin-Mumford e oltre
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Venerdì 24 giugno  alle ore 11:00, Umberto Zannier (Scuola Normale Superiore) , terrà il Colloquium di Matematica dal titolo "Dalle radici dell'unità a Manin-Mumford e oltre". (Un "survey" sulla teoria dei punti di torsione su gruppi algebrici).Abstract:Intendo presentare alcuni…

Link identifier archive #link-archive-46104Some simple distributed network processes

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We will describe network processes in which, at each step, each node communicates with its neighbors, or a random subset of neighbors, and updates its state according to the outcome of these communications. We will…

Link identifier archive #link-archive-7983Mass, Scalar Curvature, Kähler Geometry, and All That

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Given a complete Riemannian manifold that looks enough like Euclidean space at infinity, physicists have defined a quantity called the “mass” that measures the asymptotic deviation of the geometry from the Euclidean model. After first…

Link identifier archive #link-archive-77863Bose fields and Fermi fields in probability

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We review some probabilistic interpretations of symmetric and skew-symmetric Fock spaces related to Markov processes. Most results will be presented in the simple context of finite graphs.

Link identifier archive #link-archive-81588Differential Program Semantics

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Giving meaning to programs through axiomatic, denotational, and operational semantics is one of the main goals of theoretical computer science since its early days. Traditionally, program semantics is built around notions of program equivalence and…