A beginner’s guide to research related activities: Scientific writing and presentation

Questa pagina descrive il corso di dottorato “A beginner’s guide to research related activities: Scientific writing and presentation“, tenuto dai Professori Pietro Prestininzi e Leopoldo Franco.


  • giovedì 16 maggio, 09:30-12:30
  • venerdì 17 maggio, 11:00-13:00


Seminar Room of Civil Engineering


  • How to conduct a literature review
  • How to choose a research topic
  • How to read and study an article (skimming/deep reading)
  • How to select the journal to submit work to
  • The process of submitting an article, what happens afterward (author <-> editor <-> reviewers)
  • How to respond to a review
  • Successful writing and presentation skills. Suggestions for an effective PPT presentation
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ffrati 10 Giugno 2024