QualificaProfessore Ordinario
Settore Scientifico DisciplinareBIOS-01/C
Cellulare aziendale87702
IndirizzoViale Guglielmo Marconi 446
  • Dipartimento di Scienze
Altre informazioniSito web personale
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Profilo INSEGNAMENTI Prodotti della ricerca Avvisi Ricevimento e materiale didattico

Contributo in Rivista

  • Intraspecific variability of leaf form and function across habitat types, BRICCA, ALESSANDRO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CAMPETELLA, GIANDIEGO; CANCELLIERI, LAURA; CARBONI, MARTA; CUTINI, MAURIZIO; LA BELLA, GRETA; STANISCI, ANGELA; VUERICH, MARCO, , 2024Link identifier #identifier_person_12839-1 Dettaglio
  • Plant invasion in Mediterranean Europe: current hotspots and future scenarios, CAO PINNA, LUIGI; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA, , 2024Link identifier #identifier_person_93989-2 Dettaglio
  • ReSurveyEurope: A database of resurveyed vegetation plots in Europe, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CUTINI, MAURIZIO, , 2024Link identifier #identifier_person_115429-3 Dettaglio
  • Above- and belowground traits along a stress gradient: trade-off or not?, BRICCA, ALESSANDRO; SPERANDII, MARTA GAIA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; LA BELLA, GRETA; CARBONI, MARTA, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_160233-4 Dettaglio
  • Coastal Dune Invaders: Integrative Mapping of Carpobrotus sp. pl. (Aizoaceae) Using UAVs, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_128221-5 Dettaglio
  • Drivers of plant community (in)stability along a sea–inland gradient, LA BELLA, GRETA; CARBONI, MARTA; SPERANDII, MARTA GAIA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_176975-6 Dettaglio
  • Ecology meets archaeology: Past, present and future vegetation-derived ecosystems services from the Nuragic Sardinia (1700-580 BCE), ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_185246-7 Dettaglio
  • Itineraries of the Working Group for Vegetation Science of the Italian Botanical Society – 1 (2022): Excursion to the Egadi Islands, Mount San Giuliano and Mount Cofano (Trapani, western Sicily, Italy), ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; SARMATI, SIMONA, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_129267-8 Dettaglio
  • Leaf-level coordination principles propagate to the ecosystem scale, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_102484-9 Dettaglio
  • Vegetation types of the Arid Chaco in Central-Western Argentina, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_170826-10 Dettaglio
  • ArgVeg – Database of Central Argentina, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_55604-11 Dettaglio
  • Classification of rocky outcrops plant communities in the mountains of Central Argentina, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_149986-12 Dettaglio
  • Distance decay 2.0 - A global synthesis of taxonomic and functional turnover in ecological communities, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA; GUARINO, RICCARDO, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_117478-13 Dettaglio
  • Global relationships in tree functional traits, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_104003-14 Dettaglio
  • Invasion dynamics and potential future spread of sea spurge across Australia’s coastal dunes, GIULIO, SILVIA; CAO PINNA, LUIGI; CARBONI, MARTA; MARZIALETTI, FLAVIO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; JUCKER, TOMMASO, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_43744-15 Dettaglio
  • Synergetic use of unmanned aerial vehicle and satellite images for detecting non-native tree species: An insight into Acacia saligna invasion in the Mediterranean coast, MARZIALETTI, FLAVIO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_52964-16 Dettaglio
  • Within-species variation of seed traits of dune engineering species across a European climatic gradient, DEL VECCHIO, SILVIA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_38695-17 Dettaglio
  • A bridge between tourism and nature conservation: boardwalks effects on coastal dune vegetation, PRISCO, IRENE; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_101410-18 Dettaglio
  • Benchmarking plant diversity of Palaearctic grasslands and other open habitats, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA; SPERANDII, MARTA GAIA, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_9815-19 Dettaglio
  • Carpobrotus spp. patches as trap for litter: Evidence from a Mediterranean beach, GALLITELLI, LUCA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; SCALICI, MASSIMILIANO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_10170-20 Dettaglio
  • Classification of the Mediterranean lowland to submontane pine forest vegetation, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_148336-21 Dettaglio
  • Disentangling native and alien plant diversity in coastal sand dune ecosystems worldwide, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_185929-22 Dettaglio
  • Exploring temporal trends of plant invasion in mediterranean coastal dunes, CASCONE, SILVIA; SPERANDII, MARTA GAIA; MARZIALETTI, FLAVIO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_59744-23 Dettaglio
  • Floristic patterns of the neotropical forests, savannas and scrublands with Trithrinax campestris (Arecaceae) in central Argentina, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_7858-24 Dettaglio
  • Getting the measure of the biodiversity crisis in Mediterranean coastal habitats, SPERANDII, MARTA GAIA; CARBONI, MARTA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_137619-25 Dettaglio
  • Measuring Alpha and Beta Diversity by Field and Remote-Sensing Data: A Challenge for Coastal Dunes Biodiversity Monitoring, MARZIALETTI, FLAVIO; CASCONE, SILVIA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_107032-26 Dettaglio
  • Shedding light on typical species: Implications for habitat monitoring, SPERANDII, MARTA GAIA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; ALBANI ROCCHETTI, GIULIA; BRICCA, ALESSANDRO; CASCONE, SILVIA; CUTINI, MAURIZIO; DE TOMA, ANDREA; ROTA, FEDERICO; SARMATI, SIMONA, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_138338-27 Dettaglio
  • sPlotOpen - An environmentally balanced, open-access, global dataset of vegetation plots, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; SPERANDII, MARTA GAIA, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_32865-28 Dettaglio
  • The biogeography of alien plant invasions in the Mediterranean Basin, CAO PINNA, LUIGI; MALAVASI, MARCO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; GIULIO, SILVIA; CARBONI, MARTA, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_9815-29 Dettaglio
  • The biogeography of alien plant invasions in the Mediterranean Basin, CAO PINNA, LUIGI; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; GIULIO, SILVIA; CARBONI, MARTA, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_63852-30 Dettaglio
  • Unmanned aerial systems-based monitoring of the eco-geomorphology of coastal dunes through spectral rao's q, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_184981-31 Dettaglio
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-Based Mapping of Acacia saligna Invasion in the Mediterranean Coast, MARZIALETTI, FLAVIO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_187377-32 Dettaglio
  • A first checklist of the alien-dominated vegetation in Italy, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CESCHIN, SIMONA; LUCCHESE, FERNANDO; PRISCO, IRENE, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_131170-33 Dettaglio
  • Alien flora across European coastal dunes, GIULIO, SILVIA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_76764-34 Dettaglio
  • Alien flora across European coastal dunes, GIULIO, SILVIA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_99303-35 Dettaglio
  • Conservation status of Italian coastal dune habitats in the light of the 4th Monitoring Report (92/43/EEC Habitats Directive), PRISCO, IRENE; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_186528-36 Dettaglio
  • Disentangling the effect of coastal erosion and accretion on plant communities of Mediterranean dune ecosystems, SPERANDII, MARTA GAIA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_105091-37 Dettaglio
  • Effectiveness of the Natura 2000 network in conserving Mediterranean coastal dune habitats, SPERANDII, MARTA GAIA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_64629-38 Dettaglio
  • From abundance-based to functional-based indicator species, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_176090-39 Dettaglio
  • Impact of invasive alien plants on native plant communities and Natura 2000 habitats: State of the art, gap analysis and perspectives in Italy, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CESCHIN, SIMONA; LUCCHESE, FERNANDO; PRISCO, IRENE; STANISCI, ANGELA, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_184914-40 Dettaglio
  • Mapping Coastal Dune Landscape through Spectral Rao’s Q Temporal Diversity, GIULIO, SILVIA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_133242-41 Dettaglio
  • The germination niche of coastal dune species as related to their occurrence along a sea–inland gradient, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_142766-42 Dettaglio
  • TRY plant trait database - enhanced coverage and open access, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CONTI, LUISA; SPERANDII, MARTA GAIA, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_30145-43 Dettaglio
  • Back into the past: Resurveying random plots to track community changes in Italian coastal dunes, SPERANDII, MARTA GAIA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_46548-44 Dettaglio
  • Capturing Coastal Dune Natural Vegetation Types Using a Phenology-Based Mapping Approach: The Potential of Sentinel-2, MARZIALETTI, FLAVIO; GIULIO, SILVIA; SPERANDII, MARTA GAIA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_182628-45 Dettaglio
  • Carpobrotus acinaciformis vs Carpobrotus edulis: Are there any differences in their impact on coastal dune plant biodiversity?, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_127920-46 Dettaglio
  • CircumMed Pine Forest Database: an electronic archive for Mediterranean and Submediterranean pine forest vegetation data, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_20602-47 Dettaglio
  • Germination responses of Mediterranean populations of Cakile maritima to light, salinity and temperature, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_178696-48 Dettaglio
  • ILTER – The International Long-Term Ecological Research Network as a Platform for Global Coastal and Ocean Observation, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_109728-49 Dettaglio
  • Modelling Acacia saligna invasion on the Adriatic coastal landscape: An integrative approach using LTER data, GIULIO, SILVIA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_29565-50 Dettaglio
  • Multiple drivers of plant diversity in coastal dunes: A Mediterranean experience, SPERANDII, MARTA GAIA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; MALAVASI, MARCO, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_6839-51 Dettaglio
  • Plant–environment interactions through a functional traits perspective: a review of Italian studies, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; ABELI, THOMAS; CARBONI, MARTA; CUTINI, MAURIZIO, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_148988-52 Dettaglio
  • Rarefaction of beta diversity, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA; CHIARUCCI, ALESSANDRO, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_14146-53 Dettaglio
  • Sacred natural sites in Italy have landscape characteristics complementary to protected areas: Implications for policy and planning, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_198413-54 Dettaglio
  • Strength in Numbers: Combining Multi-Source Remotely Sensed Data to Model Plant Invasions in Coastal Dune Ecosystems, MALAVASI, MARCO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_182516-55 Dettaglio
  • Urban expansion depletes cultural ecosystem services: an insight into a Mediterranean coastline, MARZIALETTI, FLAVIO; MALAVASI, MARCO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_88317-56 Dettaglio
  • Verso una checklist della vegetazione alloctona in Italia., ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CESCHIN, SIMONA; LUCCHESE, FERNANDO; PIRONE, GIANFRANCO; PRISCO, IRENE; STANISCI, ANGELA, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_108815-57 Dettaglio
  • Assessing land take and its effects on dune carbon pools. An insight into the Mediterranean coastline, MALAVASI, MARCO; STANISCI, ANGELA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_27199-58 Dettaglio
  • Biogeographic variability of coastal perennial grasslands at the European scale, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; PRISCO, IRENE, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_50043-59 Dettaglio
  • Bryophytes in Mediterranean coastal dunes: ecological strategies and distribution along the vegetation zonation, MURRU, VALERIA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_176642-60 Dettaglio
  • Classification of European and Mediterranean coastal dune vegetation, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_150537-61 Dettaglio
  • EU priority habitats: rethinking Mediterranean coastal pine forests, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_193146-62 Dettaglio
  • Functional trait differences and trait plasticity mediate biotic resistance to potential plant invaders, CONTI, LUISA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_23694-63 Dettaglio
  • GrassPlot – a database of multi-scale plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA; CONTI, LUISA; SPERANDII, MARTA GAIA, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_94915-64 Dettaglio
  • Habitat conservation in Italy: the state of the art in the light of the first European Red List of Terrestrial and Freshwater Habitats, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; PRISCO, IRENE, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_199795-65 Dettaglio
  • Hard times for Italian coastal dunes: insights from a diachronic analysis based on random plots, SPERANDII, MARTA GAIA; PRISCO, IRENE; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_50816-66 Dettaglio
  • Landscape pattern and plant biodiversity in Mediterranean coastal dune ecosystems: Do habitat loss and fragmentation really matter?, MALAVASI, MARCO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_161768-67 Dettaglio
  • Modeling plant invasion on Mediterranean coastal landscapes: An integrative approach using remotely sensed data, MALAVASI, MARCO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_48899-68 Dettaglio
  • Monographs of invasive plants in Europe: Carpobrotus, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_126640-69 Dettaglio
  • Native woody vegetation in central Argentina: Classification of Chaco and Espinal forests, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_67040-70 Dettaglio
  • New insights into plants co-existence in species-rich communities: The pollination interaction perspective, DEL VECCHIO, SILVIA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_145349-71 Dettaglio
  • Plant invasion risk: A quest for invasive species distribution modelling in managing protected areas, MALAVASI, MARCO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_105780-72 Dettaglio
  • Plant invasions in Italy: An integrative approach using the European LifeWatch infrastructure database, MALAVASI, MARCO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_132448-73 Dettaglio
  • An Unexpected Consequence of Plastic Litter Clean-Up on Beaches: Too Much Sand Might Be Removed, BATTISTI, CORRADO; POETA, GIANLUCA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_109915-74 Dettaglio
  • Environmental gradients and micro-heterogeneity shape fine-scale plant community assembly on coastal dunes, CONTI, LUISA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_62068-75 Dettaglio
  • Linking plant communities on land and at sea: The effects of Posidonia oceanica wrack on the structure of dune vegetation, DEL VECCHIO, SILVIA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_105138-76 Dettaglio
  • Measuring non-biological diversity using commonly used metrics: Strengths, weaknesses and caveats for their application in beach litter management, BATTISTI, CORRADO; POETA, GIANLUCA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_184735-77 Dettaglio
  • Measuring non-biological diversity using commonly used metrics: Strengths, weaknesses and caveats for their application in beach litter management, BATTISTI, CORRADO; POETA, GIANLUCA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_121223-78 Dettaglio
  • Mediterranean coastal pine forest stands: Understorey distinctiveness or not?, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_119958-79 Dettaglio
  • Pervasive plastisphere: First record of plastics in egagropiles (Posidonia spheroids), DI GENNARO, ALESSIA; POETA, GIANLUCA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; BATTISTI, CORRADO; IANNILLI, VALENTINA, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_15597-80 Dettaglio
  • Plastisphere in action: evidence for an interaction between expanded polystyrene and dunal plants, POETA, GIANLUCA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; BATTISTI, CORRADO, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_195720-81 Dettaglio
  • RanVegDunes - A random plot database of Italian coastal dunes, SPERANDII, MARTA GAIA; PRISCO, IRENE; STANISCI, ANGELA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_177144-82 Dettaglio
  • Spatial Organisation of an Insect Ensemble in a Mediterranean Ecosystem: the Tenebrionid Beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) Inhabiting an Adriatic Coastal Sand Dune Area, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; DI GIULIO, ANDREA, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_196344-83 Dettaglio
  • A methodological protocol for Annex i Habitats monitoring: The contribution of vegetation science, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CUTINI, MAURIZIO; PRISCO, IRENE, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_174419-84 Dettaglio
  • Beach litter occurrence in sandy littorals: The potential role of urban areas, rivers and beach users in central Italy, POETA, GIANLUCA; CONTI, LUISA; MALAVASI, MARCO; BATTISTI, CORRADO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_74020-85 Dettaglio
  • Does flowering synchrony contribute to the sustainment of dry grassland biodiversity?, CONTI, LUISA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_166591-86 Dettaglio
  • How does dune morphology shape coastal EC habitats occurrence? A remote sensing approach using airborne LiDAR on the Mediterranean coast, MALAVASI, MARCO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_81138-87 Dettaglio
  • Measuring ecological specialization along a natural stress gradient using a set of complementary niche breadth indices, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_105451-88 Dettaglio
  • Mediterranean dunes on the go: Evidence from a short term study on coastal herbaceous vegetation, PRISCO, IRENE; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_1790-89 Dettaglio
  • Multifaceted Analysis of Patch-Level Plant Diversity in Response to Landscape Spatial Pattern and History on Mediterranean Dunes, CONTI, LUISA; CUTINI, MAURIZIO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_9282-90 Dettaglio
  • Multifaceted Analysis of Patch-Level Plant Diversity in Response to Landscape Spatial Pattern and History on Mediterranean Dunes, CARBONI, MARTA; CUTINI, MAURIZIO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_141723-91 Dettaglio
  • Niche partitioning in tenebrionid species (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) inhabiting Mediterranean coastal dunes, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; DI GIULIO, ANDREA, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_42305-92 Dettaglio
  • Temporal changes in the vegetation of Italian coastal dunes: Identifying winners and losers through the lens of functional traits, PRISCO, IRENE; CARBONI, MARTA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_116894-93 Dettaglio
  • The cotton buds beach: Marine litter assessment along the Tyrrhenian coast of central Italy following the marine strategy framework directive criteria, POETA, GIANLUCA; BATTISTI, CORRADO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_30621-94 Dettaglio
  • The impact of human pressure on landscape patterns and plant species richness in Mediterranean coastal dunes, CUTINI, MAURIZIO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_16611-95 Dettaglio
  • Changes in plant species composition of coastal dune habitats over a 20-year period, PRISCO, IRENE; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_125284-96 Dettaglio
  • Let the concept of indicator species be functional!, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_162189-97 Dettaglio
  • Measuring forest fragmentation using multitemporal forest cover maps: Forest loss and spatial pattern analysis in the Gran Chaco, central Argentina, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_183068-98 Dettaglio
  • Ruolo ecologico delle comunità biotiche del suolo e strategie di prevenzione del disturbo antropico, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_41617-99 Dettaglio
  • Temporal changes in Adriatic coastal dunes: Results from a short term vegetation monitoring, PRISCO, IRENE; STANISCI, ANGELA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_143931-100 Dettaglio
  • Temporal Changes in Forest Contexts at Multiple Extents: Three Decades of Fragmentation in the Gran Chaco (1979-2010), Central Argentina, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_120151-101 Dettaglio
  • EU habitats monitoring along the coastal dunes of the LTER sites of Abruzzo and Molise (Italy), ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_181944-102 Dettaglio
  • Landscape fragmentation, land use legacy and propagule pressure promote plant invasion on coastal dune. A patch based approach., CUTINI, MAURIZIO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_17215-103 Dettaglio
  • Landscape fragmentation, land-use legacy and propagule pressure promote plant invasion on coastal dunes: a patch-based approach., CUTINI, MAURIZIO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_88187-104 Dettaglio
  • Marine litter in Mediterranean sandy littorals: Spatial distribution patterns along central Italy coastal dunes., POETA, GIANLUCA; BATTISTI, CORRADO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_156563-105 Dettaglio
  • Measuring forest fragmentation using multitemporal remotely sensed data: three decades of change in the dry Chaco, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_110647-106 Dettaglio
  • On the functional diversity of partially distinct species: some theory and a practical example, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_129058-107 Dettaglio
  • Are differences in functional diversity among plant communities on Mediterranean coastal dunes driven by their phylogenetic history?, CARBONI, MARTA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_9108-108 Dettaglio
  • Boundary-based analysis for the assessment of coastal dune landscape integrity over time, MALAVASI, MARCO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_71142-109 Dettaglio
  • Darwin’s naturalization hypothesis: scale matters in coastal plantcommunities, CARBONI, MARTA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_3527-110 Dettaglio
  • Effects of Posidonia oceanica beach-cast on germination, growth and nutrient uptake of coastal dune plants, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_47572-111 Dettaglio
  • Environmental Factors Influencing Coastal VegetationPattern: New Insights from the Mediterranean Basin, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_42801-112 Dettaglio
  • Going beyond taxonomic diversity: deconstructing biodiversity patterns reveals the true cost of iceplant invasion, CARBONI, MARTA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_154853-113 Dettaglio
  • The fate of threatened coastal dune habitats in Italy under climate change scenarios, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_174002-114 Dettaglio
  • The impact of Acacia saligna invasion on Italian coastal dune EC habitats, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_180004-115 Dettaglio
  • What has happened to coastal dunes in the last half century?A multitemporal coastal landscape analysis in Central Italy, MALAVASI, MARCO; CUTINI, MAURIZIO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2013Link identifier #identifier_person_162344-116 Dettaglio
  • AN OVERVIEW OF THE ITALIAN COASTAL DUNE EU HABITATS, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_199869-117 Dettaglio
  • Effects of Trampling Limitation on Coastal Dune Plant Communities, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_128220-118 Dettaglio
  • Environmental tuning of an insect ensemble: The tenebrionid beetlesinhabiting a Mediterranean coastal dune zonation, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; DI GIULIO, ANDREA, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_56784-119 Dettaglio
  • Focal species diversity patterns can provide diagnostic information on plant invasions, CARBONI, MARTA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_126342-120 Dettaglio
  • Functional rarefaction for species abundance data, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_65318-121 Dettaglio
  • Malcolmia littorea: The isolated Italian population in the European context, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_166540-122 Dettaglio
  • Patterns of plant community assembly in invaded and non-invaded communities along a natural environmental gradient, SANTORO, RICCARDO; CARBONI, MARTA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_147038-123 Dettaglio
  • Seed germination responses to varying environmental conditions and provenances in Crucianella maritima L., a threatened coastal species., ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_9341-124 Dettaglio
  • VegDunes – a coastal dune vegetation database for the analysis of Italian EU habitats, CARBONI, MARTA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_136128-125 Dettaglio
  • VegItaly: Technical features, crucial issues and some solutions, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_29590-126 Dettaglio
  • VegItaly: The Italian collaborative project for a national vegetation database, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; PRISCO, IRENE, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_156131-127 Dettaglio
  • Assessing Carpobrotus invasion effects on coastal dune soils. Does the nature of the invaded habitat matter?, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2011Link identifier #identifier_person_157423-128 Dettaglio
  • Dealing with scarce data to understand howenvironmental gradients and propagule pressure shape fine-scale alien distribution patterns on coastal dunes, CARBONI, MARTA; SANTORO, RICCARDO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2011Link identifier #identifier_person_131495-129 Dettaglio
  • EU habitats of interest: an insight into Atlantic and Mediterranean beach and foredunes, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2011Link identifier #identifier_person_40950-130 Dettaglio
  • Habitat selection by invasive alien plants: a bootstrap approach, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA, , 2011Link identifier #identifier_person_40820-131 Dettaglio
  • Are some communities of the coastal dune zonation more susceptible to alien plant invasion?, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA, , 2010Link identifier #identifier_person_56128-132 Dettaglio
  • Coastal salt-marsh zonation in the Thyrrenian central Italy and its relationship with other Mediterranean wetlands, CUTINI, MAURIZIO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2010Link identifier #identifier_person_176988-133 Dettaglio
  • Coastal salt-marsh zonation in Tyrrhenian central Italy and its relationship with other Mediterranean wetlands, CUTINI, MAURIZIO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2010Link identifier #identifier_person_45997-134 Dettaglio
  • Disentangling the relative effects of environmental versus human factors on the abundance of native and alienplant species in Mediterranean sandy shores, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA, , 2010Link identifier #identifier_person_99231-135 Dettaglio
  • Landscape-scale patterns of alien plant species on coastal dunes: the case of iceplant in central Italy, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA, , 2010Link identifier #identifier_person_63901-136 Dettaglio
  • Leaf and root trait variability of alien and native species along Adriatic coastal dunes (Italy), ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2010Link identifier #identifier_person_171715-137 Dettaglio
  • Are there habitats that contribute best to plant species diversity in coastal dunes?, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_102254-138 Dettaglio
  • Assessing conservation status on coastal dunes: A multiscale approach, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2009Link identifier #identifier_person_155101-139 Dettaglio
  • Analisi delle specie vegetali esotiche negli ecosistemi sabbiosi costieri:distribuzione e impatto, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA, , 2008Link identifier #identifier_person_93970-140 Dettaglio
  • Are there habitats that contribute best to plant species diversity in coastal dunes ?, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; IZZI, CARMELA FRANCESCA, , 2008Link identifier #identifier_person_92048-141 Dettaglio
  • Assessing conservation status on coastal dunes: A multiscale approach, CARBONI, MARTA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2008Link identifier #identifier_person_144536-142 Dettaglio
  • Ecosystem classification and EU habitat distribution assessment in sandy coastal environments. The central Italy case, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2008Link identifier #identifier_person_36289-143 Dettaglio
  • Valutazione della qualità ambientale in sistemi costieri. Un approccio attraverso l’analisi della vegetazione, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2008Link identifier #identifier_person_143555-144 Dettaglio
  • Valutazione della qualità ambientale in sistemi costieri. Un approccio attraverso l'analisi della vegetazione, CARBONI, MARTA; CUTINI, MAURIZIO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2008Link identifier #identifier_person_143843-145 Dettaglio
  • Analisi delle relazioni tra parametri geomorfologici e comunità prative in ambiente montano (Appennino Umbro-Marchigiano, Italia centrale), CUTINI, MAURIZIO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2007Link identifier #identifier_person_104510-146 Dettaglio
  • Analisi delle relazioni tra parametri geomorfologici e comunità prative in ambiente montano Appennino umbro-marchigiano, Italia centrale, CUTINI, MAURIZIO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2007Link identifier #identifier_person_22535-147 Dettaglio
  • Analyzing landscape diversity in time: the use of Rènyi’s generalized entropy function, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2007Link identifier #identifier_person_9692-148 Dettaglio
  • Coastal vegetation zonation and dune morphology in some Mediterranean ecosystems, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2007Link identifier #identifier_person_56635-149 Dettaglio
  • Ecosystem classification and EU habitat distribution assessment in sandy coastal environments, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2007Link identifier #identifier_person_28734-150 Dettaglio
  • Entità a rischio negli ambienti dunali costieri di alcune regioni dell’Italia centrale, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA, , 2007Link identifier #identifier_person_21644-151 Dettaglio
  • Gli habitat di interesse comunitario sul litorale molisano e il loro valore naturalistico su base floristica, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2007Link identifier #identifier_person_116590-152 Dettaglio
  • Il censimento della flora vascolare degli ambienti dunali costieri dell’Italia centrale, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2007Link identifier #identifier_person_193147-153 Dettaglio
  • Indagine sulla qualità ambientale della costa dell’Abruzzo meridionale e del Molise (Adriatico centrale) su base floristico-vegetazionale, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2007Link identifier #identifier_person_131235-154 Dettaglio
  • Specie vegetali esotiche negli ambienti costieri sabbiosi di alcune regioni dell’Italia Centrale, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2007Link identifier #identifier_person_169009-155 Dettaglio
  • Stato delle conoscenze e alterazioni indotte dal disturbo sulle fitocenosi delle coste sabbiose laziali, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2007Link identifier #identifier_person_141766-156 Dettaglio
  • Analisi delle relazioni tra parametri geomorfologici e comunità prative in ambiente montano (Appennino Umbro-Marchigiano), CUTINI, MAURIZIO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2006Link identifier #identifier_person_9761-157 Dettaglio
  • Applicazione della cartografia della copertura del suolo nell’analisi del paesaggio vegetazionale delle dune costiere, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2006Link identifier #identifier_person_148754-158 Dettaglio
  • Comparasion of native and alien plant traits in Mediterranean coastal dunes, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2006Link identifier #identifier_person_48307-159 Dettaglio
  • Sandy coastal ecosystems and effects of disturbance in central Italy, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2006Link identifier #identifier_person_64155-160 Dettaglio
  • Banca dati della flora costiera psammofila dell’Italia centrale, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2005Link identifier #identifier_person_189337-161 Dettaglio
  • Caratteri ecologico-funzionali di alcune piante del litorale sabbioso molisano, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2005Link identifier #identifier_person_143428-162 Dettaglio
  • Combining land cover mapping of coastal dunes with vegetation analysis, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2005Link identifier #identifier_person_95425-163 Dettaglio
  • Landscape change and ecosystem classification in a municipal district of a small city (Isernia, Central Italy), ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2005Link identifier #identifier_person_101122-164 Dettaglio
  • Parametri ambientali e vegetazione: analisi quantitativa di variabili ambientali nell’ambito di uno studio fitosociologico, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2005Link identifier #identifier_person_127870-165 Dettaglio
  • Analisi del paesaggio della costa molisana, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2004Link identifier #identifier_person_77178-166 Dettaglio
  • Analisi del paesaggio, tutela e gestione della rete natura 2000. Il caso del pSIC Abeti Soprani-Monte Campo-Montecastelbarone-Sorgenti del Verde (Alto Molise), ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2004Link identifier #identifier_person_179386-167 Dettaglio
  • Effetti della dinamica costiera sull'evoluzione dei sistemi dunali presenti lungo la costa molisana (Italia meridionale), ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2004Link identifier #identifier_person_37598-168 Dettaglio
  • Plant communities in coastal dunes in Lazio (Italy), ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2004Link identifier #identifier_person_84325-169 Dettaglio
  • Reazione tra vegetazione e dissesto idrogeologico, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2004Link identifier #identifier_person_133849-170 Dettaglio
  • Analisi dei cambiamenti della copertura del suolo, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2003Link identifier #identifier_person_186729-171 Dettaglio
  • Il programma CORINE Land-Cover: un esempio per il bacino del F. Biferno (Molise), ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2003Link identifier #identifier_person_40117-172 Dettaglio
  • Quantifying ecological mosaic connectivity and hemeroby with a new topoecological index, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2003Link identifier #identifier_person_136713-173 Dettaglio
  • Sandy coastal landscape of the Latium region (Central Italy), ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2003Link identifier #identifier_person_198618-174 Dettaglio
  • Il limite superiore della faggeta nella Majella occidentale (Abruzzo), ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2002Link identifier #identifier_person_199135-175 Dettaglio
  • Structure and diversity trends at Fagus timberline in central Italy, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2001Link identifier #identifier_person_151991-176 Dettaglio
  • Analisi della vegetazione delle dune costiere del Lazio centro-meridionale, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2000Link identifier #identifier_person_164533-177 Dettaglio
  • Classificazione e cartografia del paesaggio: i sistemi e i sottosistemi di paesaggio del Molise, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2000Link identifier #identifier_person_55366-178 Dettaglio
  • Classificazione e cartografia del paesaggio: i sistemi e i sottosistemi di paesaggio del Molise, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2000Link identifier #identifier_person_120952-179 Dettaglio
  • Spatial connectivity and boundary patterns in coastal dune vegetation of Central Italy, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2000Link identifier #identifier_person_183068-180 Dettaglio
  • Structure and diversity trends at Fagus timberline in central Italy, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 2000Link identifier #identifier_person_47121-181 Dettaglio
  • Post-fire patterns in the Mediterranean maquis: phytosociological and structural approach, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 1999Link identifier #identifier_person_143248-182 Dettaglio
  • Relation between climate and vegetation along a Mediterranean-Temperate boundary in central Italy, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 1999Link identifier #identifier_person_163839-183 Dettaglio
  • Vegetazione e disturbo antropico nella duna costiera del Parco Nazionale del Circeo, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 1999Link identifier #identifier_person_66479-184 Dettaglio
  • Analysis of plant form of some Mediterranean shrubs, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 1997Link identifier #identifier_person_116302-185 Dettaglio
  • Análisis fitosociológico y variabilidad florística de las depresiones húmedas del Parque Nacional del Circeo. (Italia Central), ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 1996Link identifier #identifier_person_62657-186 Dettaglio
  • Architectural patterns of "macchia” shrubs in mediterranean Italy, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 1996Link identifier #identifier_person_58642-187 Dettaglio
  • Community structure in montane grasslands of central Argentina in relation to land use, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 1994Link identifier #identifier_person_160592-188 Dettaglio
  • Grazing and the phenology of flowering and fruiting in a montane grassland in Argentina: A niche approach, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 1994Link identifier #identifier_person_44154-189 Dettaglio
  • Analisi della occupazione spaziale di alcuni aspetti di macchia mediterranea del promontorio del Monte Circeo (Lazio Meridionale), ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 1993Link identifier #identifier_person_37340-190 Dettaglio
  • Changes in pasture communities subject to burning in the Cordoba Mountains, Argentina, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 1993Link identifier #identifier_person_99436-191 Dettaglio
  • Post-disturbance recolonization in a macchia environment: a diachronic analysis on permantent plots, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 1993Link identifier #identifier_person_154093-192 Dettaglio
  • Carta di Rischio d'incendio dell'isola di Giannutri. Una proposta metodologica, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 1992Link identifier #identifier_person_177077-194 Dettaglio
  • La vegetación del Chaco Arido en el W de la Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 1992Link identifier #identifier_person_157158-196 Dettaglio
  • Morphological analysis of herbaceous communities under different grazing regimes, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 1992Link identifier #identifier_person_82744-197 Dettaglio
  • Contribu¬ción al conocimiento fitosociológico del Bosque Chaqueño Serrano en la Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 1991Link identifier #identifier_person_61445-198 Dettaglio
  • Patch structure in natural grasslands of Córdoba Mountains (Argentine) in relation to different rock substrates, ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 1991Link identifier #identifier_person_151953-199 Dettaglio
  • Spatial patterns and diver¬sitiy in a post-ploughing succession in high pla¬teau grasslands (Pampa de San Luis, Córdoba, Argentina), ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 1990Link identifier #identifier_person_198866-200 Dettaglio
  • The vascular flora and vegetation of granitic outcrops in the upper Córdoba Mountains (Argentina), ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, , 1990Link identifier #identifier_person_26682-201 Dettaglio


  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Gli habitat delle coste sabbiose italiane: ecologia e problematiche di conservazione, vol. 215, pp. 1 102, 2015 Link identifier #identifier_person_38417-202Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Gli habitat delle coste sabbiose italiane: ecologia e problematiche di conservazione, 2015 Link identifier #identifier_person_119604-203Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, La rete italiana per la ricerca ecologica a lungo termine (LTER-Italia). Situazione e prospettive dopo un quinquienno di attività (2006-2011), 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_143527-204Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Le specie esotiche negli ecosistemi costieri del Lazio, pp. 1 112, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_39641-205Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Flora e vegetazione del litorale molisano: un patrimonio naturale da tutelare, pp. 1 109, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_69488-206Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; IZZI, CARMELA FRANCESCA, STANISCI A., ACOSTA A., IZZI C.F. & VERGALITO M. 2006. Flora e vegetazione del litorale molisano: un patrimonio naturale da tutelare., 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_62210-207Dettaglio

Contributo in volume e atti di convegno

  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Coastal Dune Vegetation Zonation in Italy: Squeezed Between Environmental Drivers and Threats, pp. 315 326, 2021 Link identifier #identifier_person_20950-208Dettaglio
  • LA BELLA, GRETA; PRISCO, IRENE; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Le dune di Castelporziano, un sistema unico in Italia., 2021 Link identifier #identifier_person_170360-209Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CESCHIN, SIMONA; LUCCHESE, FERNANDO; PRISCO, IRENE, An assessment of the impacts of invasive alien plants on habitats in Italy: first results from the ISPRA-SISV convention., pp. 84 84, 2018 Link identifier #identifier_person_58457-210Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Ecosistemi sabbiosi costieri: gli ambienti più minacciati del territorio italiano, pp. 195 198., 2013 Link identifier #identifier_person_95816-211Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Chapter 12Passive Recovery of MediterraneanCoastal Dunes Following Limitations to Human Trampling, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_67303-212Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA, Distribuzione delle specie vegetali psammofile e degli habitat costieri dunali nella regione Lazio, pp. 27 34, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_152811-213Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, L’impatto dell’erosione costiera sulle comunità vegetali delle coste sabbiose del Molise: un approccio di monitoraggio integrato, pp. 41 50, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_196420-214Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, La conservazione della biodiversità in ecosistemi dunali costieri, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_159482-215Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, La conservazione della biodiversità in ecosistemi dunali costieri. In: La conservazione ex situ della biodiversità delle specie vegetali spontanee e coltivate in Italia, pp. 24 26, 2010 Link identifier #identifier_person_156114-216Dettaglio
  • SANTORO, RICCARDO; CARBONI, MARTA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Analisi della distribuzione delle piante esotiche in alcuni ecosistemi costieri del Lazio, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_24257-217Dettaglio
  • SANTORO, RICCARDO; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA, Community and landscape-scale patterns of alien plant species on Mediterranean coastal dunes., 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_75967-218Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Community types and alien species distribution in Italian coastal dunes, vol. 7, pp. 96 104, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_135773-219Dettaglio
  • IZZI, CARMELA FRANCESCA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Malcolmia littorea: ecologia, distribuzione e problematiche di conservazione, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_30061-220Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Patterns of native and alien plant species occurrence on coastal dunes in Central Italy, pp. 235 248, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_8333-221Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; IZZI, CARMELA FRANCESCA, Plant traits and Plant Functional types of alien and native species in Central Italy costal dunes, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_107954-222Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Species diversity and ecological functioning of Atlantic and Mediterranean coastal dune ecosystems: a comparison, 2008 Link identifier #identifier_person_39698-223Dettaglio
  • CARBONI, MARTA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Alien plant species mapping and spatial pattern analysis on coastal dune landscapes. The case of Carpobrotus spp in Central Italy, pp. 243 252, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_37509-224Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CARBONI, MARTA, Analisi della distribuzione spaziale della flora esotica in ambientedi duna costiera. Il caso di Carpobrotus spp. in Italia centrale, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_110923-225Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Capitolo 25: Elementi di Fitogeografia, pp. 524 545, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_171032-226Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; IZZI, CARMELA FRANCESCA, Community types and alien species distribution in Italian coastal dunes, pp. vol. 7, pp. 96 104, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_32450-227Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; IZZI, CARMELA FRANCESCA, Patterns of native and alien plant species occurrence on coastal dunes in Central Italy, pp. 235 248, 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_129578-228Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Using betwenn patch boundaries for conservation status assessment on coastal dune ecosystems, pp. 584 585., 2007 Link identifier #identifier_person_118436-229Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Analisi dei disturbi reali e potenziali sulla flora e sulla vegetazione dunale, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_179642-231Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Analisi della composizione e della struttura spaziale del paesaggio in ambiente di duna costiera. Il caso della costa molisana., pp. 1 6, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_73114-232Dettaglio
  • CARBONI, MARTA; IZZI, CARMELA FRANCESCA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Analisi delle strategie adattative della vegetazione costiera psammofila del Lazio settentrionale., pp. 1 7, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_198414-233Dettaglio
  • IZZI, CARMELA FRANCESCA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Le dune costiere laziali: diversità floristica e gruppi funzionali., pp. 237 241, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_196748-234Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; IZZI, CARMELA FRANCESCA, Native and alien plant species distribution on coastal dunes in Central Italy, 2006 Link identifier #identifier_person_191889-235Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; IZZI, CARMELA FRANCESCA, Alien versus native species on coastal dunes in Central Italy. Plant distribution and traits, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_12259-236Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; IZZI, CARMELA FRANCESCA, Alien versus native species on coastal dunes in Central Italy. Plant distribution and traits., 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_167710-237Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO; CUTINI, MAURIZIO, Ecological characterization and land use of the herbaceous communities in Central Apennine (Central Italy), 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_84633-238Dettaglio
  • IZZI, CARMELA FRANCESCA; ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Tipi funzionali delle piante psammofile: confronto tra le strategie delle specie native ed esotiche, 2005 Link identifier #identifier_person_82234-239Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Le comunità vegetali del promontorio del Circeo in relazione al suolo, pp. 253 262, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_144291-240Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Neophyta in a Mediterranean city: invasive plant species in the different land use types of Rome, Italy, vol. 3, pp. 1 9, 2004 Link identifier #identifier_person_127111-241Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, La biodiversità nella problematica ambientale, pp. 292 302, 2002 Link identifier #identifier_person_119519-242Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Multitemporal phenological classification of Argentina, vol. 2, pp. 240 248, 2001 Link identifier #identifier_person_120374-243Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Analisi della dinamica post-incendio in un’area permanente del Promontorio del Circeo. In: Flora e vegetazione del Parco Nazionale del Circeo, pp. 141 148, 1998 Link identifier #identifier_person_147182-244Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Metodologie applicate allo studio della vegetazione del Parco Nazionale del Circeo, pp. 99 112, 1998 Link identifier #identifier_person_195841-245Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Sequenza fitotopografica nella duna costiera del Parco Nazionale del Circeo, pp. 169 179, 1998 Link identifier #identifier_person_172634-246Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Variazioni floristico-cenologiche nelle Piscine del Parco Nacionale del Circeo, pp. 223 235, 1998 Link identifier #identifier_person_67493-247Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Factores estructuradores en pastizales serranos del centro de Argentina, pp. 101 131, 1996 Link identifier #identifier_person_35016-248Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Il paesaggio vegetale lungo il transetto imbocco del traforo - Macchia Grande. Analisi floristica ed osservazioni sindinamiche, pp. 65 88, 1996 Link identifier #identifier_person_49843-249Dettaglio
  • ACOSTA, ALICIA TERESA ROSARIO, Studio delle fitocenosi sul materiale di riporto nei pressi dell’imbocco del traforo del Gran Sasso (Assergi, Abruzzo). Approccio metodologico ed analisi floristica, pp. 90 100, 1996 Link identifier #identifier_person_123294-250Dettaglio