International Project Week Rome 2024

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The 16th International Project Week (IPW) will take place in Rome from 25-28 June 2024, at the Department of Civil, Computer Science and Aeronautical Technologies Engineering of Roma Tre University.

The Project involve civile engineering students from 7 universities:

  • Amsterdam: Hogeschool van Amsterdam – Civiele Techniek (Netherlands)
  • Copenhagen: Technical University of Denmark – DTU Engineering Technology (Denmark)
  • Frankfurt: Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences – Fachbereich 1: Architektur Bauingenieurwesen Geomatik (Germany)
  • Lyon: Université Claude Bernard – Lyon 1 (France)
  • Riga: Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (Latvia)
  • Trois-Rivières: Cégep de Trois-Rivières – Pavillon de Sciences (Quebec, Canada)
  • Rome: Roma Tre University – Department of Civil, Computer Science and Aeronautical Technologies Engineering.

During the week, approximately 170 students take part into the project, involving lectures, laboratories activities, site visits to construction sites, field work and joint activities in mixed groups in order to establish a network between students from the different participating countries.

The first edition of IPW dates back to 2007; Roma Tre University joined the initiative in 2019 (13th edition – Edinburgh).

Selected photo/video of past events.

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  • Ppt presentation of Edinburgh (2019) and Lyon (2022) experience
  • Video of Frankfurt (2023) experience.
Link identifier #identifier__39175-1Presentazione delle edizioni passate


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Nell’ambito delle attività di internazionalizzazione, nei giorni 25-28 giugno 2024, si svolgerà a Roma la 16-esima edizione dell’International Project Week (IPW).

Il progetto vede il coinvolgimento degli studenti di Ingegneria di 7 Università Europee ed Extra-Europee:

  • Amsterdam: Hogeschool van Amsterdam – Civiele Techniek (Paesi Bassi)
  • Copenaghen: Technical University of Denmark – DTU Engineering Technology (Danimarca)
  • Francoforte: Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences – Fachbereich 1: Architektur Bauingenieurwesen Geomatik (Germania)
  • Lione: Université Claude Bernard – Lyon 1 (Francia)
  • Riga: Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (Lettonia)
  • Trois-Rivières: Cégep de Trois-Rivières – Pavillon de Sciences (Quebec, Canada)
  • Roma: Università degli Studi Roma Tre – Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Informatica e delle Tecnologie Aeronautiche.

Vi parteciperanno circa 160 studenti, che avranno l’opportunità di assistere a seminari ed effettuare visite di studio in cantiere e in laboratorio, lavoro sul campo ed attività congiunte in gruppi misti, allo scopo di stabilire un network tra gli studenti dei diversi paesi partecipanti.

La nostra università si è unita nel 2019 all’iniziativa (13esima edizione – Edimburgo), la cui prima edizione risale al 2007.

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Link identifier #identifier__16080-2Link identifier #identifier__152990-3Link identifier #identifier__127963-4Link identifier #identifier__199815-5
callegretti 13 Maggio 2024