Dottorato di ricerca in Metodi e Modelli per l’Ingegneria Sostenibile

The PhD course aims at training the future PhDs in the development of advanced modeling and methodologies in engineering with focus on energy transition and sustainability. The wide spectrum of skills of then members of the PhD Board and their consolidated experience in national and international projects focused on environmental sustainability, will allow the promotion of a highly multidisciplinary training program and research environment, characterized by a continuous and deep interaction between the different sectors. The students of the course will be able to develop research projects on topics pertaining to the disciplinary fields of science and technology of materials, physics of matter, flight mechanics, photonics, acoustics, complex systems, electrotechnics, fluid dynamics, static conversion of electric energy, electric power drives, automatic controls, bioengineering, telecommunications, aeronautical structures, aerospace design. The students’ cultural growth will be enriched and deepened by advanced methodological development skills, such as robust multidisciplinary optimization in the presence of uncertainties, mathematical physics, computational intelligence applied to the optimization and identification of nonlinear physical models. Topics related to integrated mobility, such as transport systems and infrastructures, will be also of interest to the doctorate. The intense international research activity carried out by the teaching staff of the PhD program, evidenced by the substantial track record of publications and the great number of projects in collaboration with research bodies, companies and academic institutions, will make the students operate in a highly international. This working environment will promote the students’ capability in establishing their own research networks and enriching their knowledge by comparing different methodological approaches. Furthermore, being part of an international web of connected laboratories will strongly enhance their chances to conduct experimental activities having access to a wide variety of tools and instrumentations. . The project will be enriched by the influences that will come from the educational and research activities carried out in synergy with the Ostia Center in the field of marine renewable energy sources, such as wind power, off-shore and near-shore photovoltaics, energy production from tides, sea currents and wave motion, and autonomous marine vehicles for environmental monitoring or in support of rescue operations.
Link identifier #identifier__196947-1Link identifier #identifier__76434-2Link identifier #identifier__41379-3Link identifier #identifier__197798-4
mcibati 29 August 2022