Hydrodynamics of sediment transport is a teaching aimed at providing a deep knowledge on sediment transport phenomena in natural rivers and in debris flows phenomena, and at giving their mathematical formulation. The course also aims at consolidating the skills required for the developments of numerical models for the solution of the mathematical models introduced during the teaching.
The teaching belongs to the “Ingegneria Civile Per la Protezione dai Rischi Naturali” master course, which aims at training engineers towards high professional levels in the fields of the protection of both environment and civil infrastructures from hydrogeological and seismic hazards.
In such framework the teaching aims at defining suitable conceptual models for the representation of transport phenomena in natural rivers and in debris flows phenomena.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to: 1) calculate bed load transport in uniform motion of a natural river 2) use 1D model of morphological evolution of the bed river 3) analyse local scour phenomena 4) analyse debris flows phenomena

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Basic assumptions: fundamental aspects of two-phase system (solid-liquid), liquid dynamics, characterization of the solid phase, velocity fall, Solid discharge.
Sediment Transport: Beginning of motion, the Bedload and the Suspended load, valuation of the total load.
Forms of bed: Classification of bed forms, continuity equation, flow phenomenon and resistance to flow in mobile bed.
Local scour: Local erosions in mobile bed, obstruction, jets.
Debris Flow: Phenomenological aspects of Debris Flow, rheologic description, mathematical model

Testi Adottati

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Modalità Erogazione

Oral Exam

Modalità Frequenza

Not required but recommended

Modalità Valutazione

Oral exam with evaluation of the student's ability to quantitatively understand the phenomena related to solid transport