1. Provide knowledge for properly selecting and using essential materials currently employed in the aeronautical field, including software tools.
2. Provide knowledge on structural materials for aeronautical applications, such as polymer matrix composites and light alloys (composition, structure, properties, manufacturing processes, and applications for fuselages, wing planes, etc.), as well as materials for high-temperature applications like titanium alloys and superalloys, ceramic materials, and coatings for use in propulsion system components.
3. Provide the fundamental elements for an industrial specialist engineer related to surface engineering techniques in advanced aeronautical components.
4. Provide the fundamental elements for an aeronautical specialist engineer concerning advanced material characterization techniques: compositional, structural, and microstructural of advanced materials for aeronautical applications (optical and electron microscopy – SEM/TEM/FIB – X-ray diffraction).
5. Provide the fundamental elements for an industrial specialist engineer related to micro-and nano-mechanical characterization techniques of advanced materials for aeronautical applications (micro/nano-hardness, atomic force microscopy).
6. Students will acquire the necessary skills to (1) select the most suitable materials based on design specifications, (2) understand the necessary heat treatments and surface treatments to improve the performance of advanced materials for aeronautics and aerospace, (3) comprehend the application principles of the latest surface engineering techniques.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The materials technologies for aeronautics course is fully aligned with the main themes of the Italian SSD ING-IND/22.

The outline of the course of structured as follows:
• Understanding material characterization methods
- X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy (SEM-TEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), micro- and nano-mechanical testing techniques. Notes on metallography and non-destructive testing.
• Tribology
- -Contact mechanics. Tribological aspects of degradation (adhesion, friction and wear), main types of wear (adhesive and abrasive).
- Theory, methods and standards for quantifying wear, protection strategies.
- Protection of materials
• wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant coatings, thermal barrier coatings (TBCs).
- Deposition technologies: galvanic coatings, Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) and Chemical Vapor Deposition coatings, thermal spray.
• Composite materials
- basic concepts (matrix-reinforcement-interface) and classification; rule of mixture, matrix reinforcement, durability and degradation (creep, fatigue, hydrolysis). Design criteria: laminated and sandwich composite structures; Production technologies: hand layup, Filament winding, hot stamping, vacuum bag, Resin Transfer Molding, Spray-up. Examples of applications of composites.
• Advanced ceramics
- correlation between precursors, production, structure and properties of ceramics. Reliability criteria (Weibull statistics); Production technologies: sintering, hot isostatic pressing, slip casting, tape casting, co-deposition, thermal spraying. Examples of application of ceramics for refractory components and thermal barrier coatings. Wear and corrosion.
• Advanced non-ferrous alloys:
- Nickel-based super-alloys, aluminum alloys, titanium alloys, magnesium alloys.
• Material Selection Processes:
- Materials Selection Processes using CES (Cambridge Engineering Selector) software: basic concepts, performance indices and their graphical representation, material selection problems in a number of relevant examples for mechanical and aeronautical engineering.

Testi Adottati

Textbook: W.D. Callister, Scienza e Ingegneria dei Materiali EdiSES
Course management: https://moodle1.ing.uniroma3.it/
Slides and course notes: https://moodle1.ing.uniroma3.it/
Online notes, www.stm.uniroma3.it

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

W.D. Callister, Scienza e Ingegneria dei Materiali EdiSES

Modalità Erogazione

The course consists of 35 lectures with students in classroom. A series of lectures may be taken in the Interdepartmental laboratory of electron microscopy (LIME), in order to give students the opportunity to attend some guided experiments using real laboratory equipment, immediately after the related theoretical lecture. Some additional lectures are focused on the direct use by the students of some of the characterization equipment that are available the LIME and the STM labs.

Modalità Frequenza

It is highly recommended to follow lectures "in presence", given the practical and experimental nature of this course.

Modalità Valutazione

The students will be evaluated by a written and oral examination. It may be possible to have an intermediate examination at the middle of the course.