20810261 - Computer Graphics

This course aims at illustrating the modern software and hardware computer graphics architectures, and at providing mathematical, technical and methodological solutions for the development of projects concerning the visualization of data in 2D or 3D. The course will expose base concepts in computer graphics such as spaces, curves, surfaces and volumes, focusing on notions and algorithms currently used in scientific visualization, videogames, and computer animation. Moreover, this course aims at exposing details of hardware and software platforms currently in use.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


Hardware architectures; Software architectures; OpenGL, Vulkan; CUDA and OpenCL; Curves, surfaces, volumes; Algorithms for computer graphics and animation; Base concepts of physics-based animation.

Testi Adottati

Official documentations:
- Unity Game Engine
- Unreal Game Engine
- Vulkan
- DirectX
- OpenGL
- CUDA, OpenCL

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Suggested books: - Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, Marschner et al. - Foundations of Game Engine Development, E. Lengyel - C++ Game Development By Example, S. Shekar - Game Engine Architecture, J. Gregory - Polygon Mesh Processing, Botsch et al.

Modalità Erogazione

In class lessons with laboratory sessions.

Modalità Frequenza

Non applicable.

Modalità Valutazione

Individual project, or group project.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


Hardware architectures; Software architectures; OpenGL, Vulkan; CUDA and OpenCL; Curves, surfaces, volumes; Algorithms for computer graphics and animation; Base concepts of physics-based animation.

Testi Adottati

Official documentations:
- Unity Game Engine
- Unreal Game Engine
- Vulkan
- DirectX
- OpenGL
- CUDA, OpenCL

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Suggested books: - Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, Marschner et al. - Foundations of Game Engine Development, E. Lengyel - C++ Game Development By Example, S. Shekar - Game Engine Architecture, J. Gregory - Polygon Mesh Processing, Botsch et al.

Modalità Erogazione

In class lessons with laboratory sessions.

Modalità Frequenza

Non applicable.

Modalità Valutazione

Individual project, or group project.