The course of Earthquake Engineering is part of the master's degree program in Civil Engineering for Natural Risk Mitigation, which aims to train a civil engineer with high professional qualifications concerning the hydrogeological and seismic risk mitigation.

As part of the Master degree program, the course of Earthquake Engineering provides the basic tools for the design and safety verification of civil structures in earthquake prone regions. The program includes the methodologies for the engineering representation of the seismic action, the fundamentals of the seismic behaviour of buildings, the principles of design of earthquake-resistant structures. The characteristics of earthquake motions are illustrated starting from the fault rupture, the propagation of seismic waves, up to the local registration and the engineering representation of earthquake load, and seismic hazard. The basics of the dynamic response of SDOF and MDOF systems under earthquake motions are recalled. The basic principles of design with regards to structural typologies and regularity are presented and the methods for structural analysis are illustrated. The criteria of design and detailing of structural elements in reinforced concrete are finally presented.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course provides the basic tools for the design and safety verification of civil structures in earthquake prone regions. The course illustrates the methodologies for the engineering representation of the seismic action, the fundamentals of the seismic behaviour of buildings, the principles of design of earthquake-resistant structures.
The characteristics of earthquake motions are illustrated starting from the fault rupture, the propagation of seismic waves, up to the local registration and the engineering representation of earthquake load, and seismic hazard.
The basics of the dynamic response of SDOF and MDOF systems under earthquake motions are recalled.
The basic principles of design with regards to structural typologies and regularity are presented and the methods for structural analysis are illustrated.
The criteria of design and detailing of structural elements in reinforced concrete are finally presented.

List of topics:
• Seismology: faults and propagation of seismic waves
• Magnitude, macroseismic intensity, maps and seismic classification
• Seismic response of Single Degree of Freedom systems
• Seismic response of Multi Degrees of Freedom systems
• Earthquake resistant buildings: basic principles of design.
• Structural typologies and criteria for structural regularity
• Structural analysis: linear and non-linear methods
• Modelling multistorey reinforced concrete buildings
• Design and safety verifications of RC structural elements
• Reference Codes and Standards

Testi Adottati

• Castellani, A., Faccioli, E., Progetto ansisismico degli edifici in c.a., Hoepli, 2008. 

• Faccioli E., Paolucci R. Elementi di Sismologia applicata all’Ingegneria. Pitagora Editrice, Bologna, 2005. 

• Cosenza, E., Maddaloni, G., Magliulo, G., Pecce, M., Ramasco, R., Progetto Antisismico di Edifici in Cemento Armato, IUSS Press, 2007. 

• AICAP (a cura di), Progettazione sismica di edifici in c.a., guida all’uso dell’Eurocodice 2 con riferimento alle Norme Tecniche DM 14.1.2008, Voll. 1-2, 2008. 

• Parducci, A. Fondamenti di Ingegneria Sismica in 80 lezioni, Liguori Editore, 2011. 

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

1. Booth E., Earthquale Design Practice for Buildings, ICE publishing, 2014. 2. Chopra, A.K., Dynamics of Structures, Prentice Hall, 2000. 3. Sucuoglu H., Akkar S. Basic Earthquake Engineering. From Seismology to Analysis and Design, Springer, 2014. 4. Penelis G., Penelis G. Concrete Buildings in Seismic Regions, CRC Press, 2014. 5. Shearer P.M. (1999) - Introduction to seismology. Cambridge University Press.

Modalità Erogazione

The course comprises theoretical lectures of earthquake engineering, engineering seismology and the design of a multi-story reinforced concrete building.

Modalità Valutazione

The evaluation is based on: i) a colloquium and a short dissertation in engineering seismology, ii) the discussion of the RC project, and iii) the oral exam in earthquake engineering.