The course of Rehabilitation of Structure is part of the master's degree program in Civil Engineering for Natural Risk Mitigation, which aims to train a civil engineer with high professional qualifications concerning the hydrogeological and seismic risk mitigation.
As part of the Master degree program, the course of rehabilitation of structures aims at providing the fundamental tools for the assessment of existing masonry constructions. The program includes the mechanics of masonry structures, the typical damage state, the methods for survey and field testing, and the design criteria and the technologies for structural rehabilitation.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


Methods for structural assessment of structures
The yield design theory
Yield design theory of masonry structures
Diagnosis techniques and experimental evaluation of mechanical properties
Structural assessment of arched and vaulted structures
Damages induces by crushing, soil settlement and earthquake action
Structural assessment od masonry structures in seismic area
Seismic analysis against local collapse mechanisms
Shear strength of masonry panels and seismic global analysis
Structural rehabilitation techniques: examples and design projects.

Testi Adottati

Pisani, M.A., Consolidamento delle Strutture, Hoepli, Milano, 2012
Giuffré, A. Letture sulla meccanica delle murature storiche, Ed. Kappa, Roma.
Mastrodicasa, S., Dissesti statici delle strutture edilizie, Hoepli, Milano, 1993.

Modalità Valutazione

Oral exam and discussion of the exercises carried out during the course

scheda docente | materiale didattico


Methods for structural assessment of structures
The yield design theory
Yield design theory of masonry structures
Diagnosis techniques and experimental evaluation of mechanical properties
Structural assessment of arched and vaulted structures
Damages induces by crushing, soil settlement and earthquake action
Structural assessment od masonry structures in seismic area
Seismic analysis against local collapse mechanisms
Shear strength of masonry panels and seismic global analysis
Structural rehabilitation techniques: examples and design projects.

Testi Adottati

Pisani, M.A., Consolidamento delle Strutture, Hoepli, Milano, 2012
Giuffré, A. Letture sulla meccanica delle murature storiche, Ed. Kappa, Roma.
Mastrodicasa, S., Dissesti statici delle strutture edilizie, Hoepli, Milano, 1993.

Modalità Valutazione

Oral exam and discussion of the exercises carried out during the course