20810313 - Elementi di Controlli Automatici

The course is designed to give the knowledge and the competences for the synthesis of simple automatic control systems. It will be explained the frequency approach based on the Laplace Transform to model, analyse, and control dynamical systems. The students will be able to use MATLAB programming language to determine the stability of a closed loop system, to draw and analyse Bode diagrams, to synthetize feedback controllers.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


. Fundamental concepts of control systems
• Continuous-time dynamic systems and differential equations
• The Laplace transform
• Transfer function
• Stability and canonical responses
• Block diagrams
• Root locus
• The permanent polynomial regime
• The harmonic response and representations and the permanent sinusoidal regime
• Frequency behavior of the closed loop
• Sensitivity to parametric variations
• Compensating networks
• Standard regulators
• High gain loop control
• Direct synthesis of the controller in the frequency domain
• Stability of nonlinear systems and linearization
• Modeling and control of a quadcopter

Testi Adottati

• Teacher’s notes on lectures
• Teacher’ s exercices

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

• Control System Engineering, S.K. Bhattacharya, Pearson India (1 gennaio 2013) (Third Edition)

Modalità Valutazione

The assessment tests will aim through questions and written practical tests to certify the student's level of knowledge with reference to the general objectives of the course. Written examination.