20810312-2 - Trasporto aereo

Airport Infrastructures and Air Transport is part of the Bachelor's Degree course in Aeronautical Technologies and Air Transport Engineering. Considering the current and relevant processes toward digital twin and green transition, the main objective of the course is to train an industrial engineer with skills in the related sectors of transport infrastructures and systems.
The course aims to provide students with the fundamental knowledge of airport master plan, design models, airport capacity and accessibility, internal logistic and handling.
Students will acquire skills on the following topics i) infrastructural and management components of an airport system; ii) models for the computation of the potential of the node and how to deal with the integration between infrastructures and land-use; iii) theoretical models for estimating air transport demand and behavioural models for choosing between a set of alternatives.
The topic of the first module is about infrastructures and the second about logistic and transport systems.
At the end of the course, students will be able to analyse and design the functional characteristics of the airport infrastructures and the related transport system; dimensioning an air transport system in terms of infrastructures and services; evaluate projects related to new airports and heliports.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


Introduction to transport engineering. The airport system: Transport operators; Accessibility to airport infrastructure and services; Air transport services; Terminals and internal handling (pedestrian flow models and evaluation of the pedestrian level of service); Performances of air transport infrastructures and services: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
The modeling phase: Transport supply models: Study area; Zoning system; Graph theory; Transportation demand models: Emission/attraction models; Distribution models; Modal split models (Random utility and Logit models); Calibration of cost functions (supply); Calibration of demand models (aggregate and disaggregate calibration); Interaction between supply and demand: deterministic network assignment
Economic evaluations: Benefits - Costs Analysis

Testi Adottati

Lecture notes
“Transportation Systems Analysis. Models and Applications” (E. Cascetta, Springer, 2009)
“Sistemi di trasporto: tecnica e economia” (G. Cantarella, Utet Giuridica, 2009)

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

“Transportation Systems Analysis. Models and Applications” (E. Cascetta, Springer, 2009) “Sistemi di trasporto: tecnica e economia” (G. Cantarella, Utet Giuridica, 2009)

Modalità Erogazione

In attendance

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance not mandatory

Modalità Valutazione

Written and oral test

scheda docente | materiale didattico


• The modeling phase:
o Transport supply models: Study area; Zoning system; Graph theory
o Transportation demand models: Emission/attraction models; Distribution models; Modal split models (Random utility and Logit models)
o Calibration of cost functions (supply); Calibration of demand models (aggregate and disaggregate calibration)
o Interaction between supply and demand: deterministic network assignment

• The airport system:
o Transport operators
o Accessibility to airport infrastructure and services
o Air transport services
o Terminals and internal handling (pedestrian flow models and evaluation of the pedestrian level of service)
o Performances of air transport infrastructures and services: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

• Economic evaluations: Benefits - Costs Analysis

Testi Adottati

Lecture notes
“Transportation Systems Analysis. Models and Applications” (E. Cascetta, Springer, 2009)
“Sistemi di trasporto: tecnica e economia” (G. Cantarella, Utet Giuridica, 2009)

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

“Transportation Systems Analysis. Models and Applications” (E. Cascetta, Springer, 2009) “Sistemi di trasporto: tecnica e economia” (G. Cantarella, Utet Giuridica, 2009)

Modalità Erogazione

In attendance

Modalità Frequenza

Not mandatory.

Modalità Valutazione

Ongoing written test and final oral test aimed at assessing acquired skills.