20810302 - Scienza e tecnologia dei materiali

Il corso, a partire dall’acquisizione di solide basi teoriche relative ai livelli di organizzazione strutturale della materia alle diverse scale e loro dipendenza dalle variabili termodinamiche descrittive, si propone di dotare lo studente di una cultura tecnico-scientifica sui materiali per applicazioni aeronautiche, comprendendo le correlazioni fra nanostruttura-microstruttura-processo-proprietà-prestazioni al fine di fornire basi per la progettazione delle infrastrutture e dei dispositivi stessi con vecchi e nuovi materiali.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


Introduction to the world of materials
- Historical references, evolution of materials, a look inside them and a nod to the transformations
- Properties and performance of the components
Basic properties and elastic behavior
- Intrinsic properties
- Extrinsic properties
- Mechanical stress systems: rigid body, deformable body, continuum mechanics; linear elasticity, Hooke's law, elastic behavior of the isotropic solid
Composition and structure of matter at different dimensional scales
- Composition: molecule, chemical bond, Condon-Morse curves; ionic materials, molecular materials
- Thermodynamic origin of elasticity
- Structures: amorphous and crystalline, Bravais lattices and Miller indices
- Defects in crystalline solids: point, line and surface lattices
Mechanical behavior of materials
- Influence of T and t on the mechanical behavior as a function of the nature of the material
- Static tensile stresses at low T: stress-strain curve (elastic field, plastic field, critical points)
- Mechanical properties: ductility, hardness, brittleness, resilience and toughness (property measurement techniques)
- Fracture mechanics: Griffith energy theory, stress intensification factor, fracture toughness
- Dynamic stresses: fatigue, Wohler curve, Paris-Erdogan law
Mono- and multi-phase systems
- Thermodynamics of systems: Thermodynamics of condensed states, basic concepts, first law, second law, equilibrium conditions, non-equilibrium states, I and II principles together, characteristic state functions
- solubility in the solid state: cooling curves of one-component systems, state of aggregation, Hume-Rothery rules, solid solutions, phase
- dependence of solubility on composition, temperature and pressure: Gibbs and lever rules, Gibbs energy, Gibbs curves, phase equilibria in binary systems
- phase transformations in the solid state: diffusion mechanisms, activation energy and Fick's laws
- solidification kinetics and microstructures: nucleation and growth, main thermodynamic transformations, microstructures
Introduction to the main classes of metallic materials
- Iron-based alloys: classification of steels and cast irons, main phase diagrams, classification of specific heat treatments; special steels, stainless steels and applications.
- Titanium alloys: properties, processes – applications
- Aluminum alloys: properties, processes – applications
Introduction to the main classes of non-metallic materials
- Polymers and polymer matrix composites: properties, processes, applications
- Ceramics: properties, processes, notes on Weibull statistics - applications
References, complements, insights and numerical exercises provided for each topic.

Testi Adottati

W.D. Callister, Scienza e Ingegneria dei Materiali
Scienza e tecnologie dei metalli - CittàStudi Edizioni
Esercitazioni: su dispense del docente e su Moodle
Slide proiettate a lezione: in pdf su Moodle
Dispense online sul sito Teams del gruppo

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

W.D. Callister, Scienza e Ingegneria dei Materiali Scienza e tecnologie dei metalli - CittàStudi Edizioni Esercitazioni: su dispense del docente e su Moodle Slide proiettate a lezione: in pdf su Moodle Dispense online sul sito Teams del gruppo https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3A20e53e6e143f49df8e721a6615b41200%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=174fac2d-6262-4c07-9f8f-d67871354af7&tenantId=

Modalità Erogazione

2h lectures, exercises and Q&A sessions, seminars, lab visit.

Modalità Frequenza


Modalità Valutazione

Evaluation will consist of a written test using moodle platform and an oral exam. During covid-19 emergency both will be online, under proctoring.