20810388 - Human Factor Commercial Aviation Models to Tackle the New Work Complexity Challenge: Team as a Crew

Provide the student with the ability to acquire the use of Human Factor models. Complete competence is obtained thanks to a process of progressive accumulation in which each segment of the training cycle provides the basis and prerequisites for subsequent growth.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course of study will cover the following topics:
1) Short outline about Human Factor;
2) Communication model;
3) Leadership model;
4) Teamwork model;
5) Problem Solving & Decision Making models;
6) Workload Management model

Testi Adottati

After completion of each module a PDF regarding a short description of models discussed will be issued to each student.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Adam Grant, Think Again: The power of Knowing What You Don't Know, Egea, 2021; Maxwell J.C., Le ventuno leggi fondamentali del leader, Gribaudi, maggio 2003; Matt Abrahams, Think Faster Talk Smarter, Mcmillan, UK 2023; Daniel Kahneman, Thinking Fast and Slow, Penguin, UK, 2011; Galimberti U., I miti del nostro tempo, feltrinelli, settembre 2009; Bertrand Russell, Authority and the Individual, TEA, settembre 1997; ICAO Doc 9859 Safety Management System (SMS), 2013, 3rd edition.

Modalità Erogazione

The course of study will be conducted as follow: 1) The first module will cover a brief notes about Human Factor history and Communication model with practical exercises regarding its correct use; 2) The second module will cover Leadership & Teamwork models with practical exercises to check their correct application; 3) The third module will cover Problem Solving, Decision Making and Workload Management models with practical exercises to check their correct application.

Modalità Frequenza

traditional frontal lessons

Modalità Valutazione

Final quiz and practical exercises after each topic discussed