20810303 - Aerodinamica dei velivoli

The aim of the class is to gain knowledge on the overall aerodynamic behaviour of airfoils and wings starting from the fundamental equations governing incompressible and compressible flows and their specialization in the framework of aeronautic applications. To gain knowledge on the main aerodynamic theories used for the design of airfoils and wings and applied to both potential flows and viscous flows with laminar boundary layers. To gain a basic knowledge of the phenomenology of turbulence.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


Introductory concepts, deformation and motion of a particle, Cauchy theorem, Eurlerian and Lagrangian description, the Reynolds transport theorem, the material derivative. Forces and moments on airfoils. Buckingham theorem. General governing equations in integral and differential form. Constitutive relationships for Newtonian fluids. Navier-Stokes equations, Bernouilli equation. Vorticity dynamics. Potential flows and singular solutions (the case of the cylinder). Glauert theory for 2D airfoil. Finite wing theory. Low Reynolds number flows in ducts and Moody's diagram. Boundary layer concepts and theoretical approach for a 2D steady case. The separation of the boundary layer. Compressible flows. Quasi- and Uni-dimensional models for isentropic flows and normal shockwaves.

Testi Adottati

Notes provided by the teacher.
Graziani G., Aerodinamica, Univ. La Sapienza ed., 2010.
Anderson, Jr. J.D. , Fundamentals of Aerodynamics, 2nd Editino, McGraw Hill, 1991.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

1. E. Mattioli: “Aerodinamica”, Levrotto & Bella Ed., 1994. 2. G.K. Batchelor: “An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics”, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1973. 3. N.P. Cheremisinoff: “Enciclopedia of Fluid Mechanics. 1. Flow phenomena and measurements”, Gulf Publ. Comp., 1986. 4. M. Van Dyke: “An Album of Fluid Motion”, The Parabolic Press, 1982. 5. A.H. Shapiro: “The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow”, The Ronald Press, 1954, Vol. I e II. 6. J.O. Hinze: “Turbulence”, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, 1975. 7. H. Schlichting: “Boundary-Layer Theory”, McGraw-Hill, 1979.

Modalità Erogazione

The course is carried out through traditional lessons given in the room and completed by suited laboratory sessions. Educational material will be rendered available through the web site (including the Moodle platform). During the course, seminars from aerospace industry experts will be given. Visits to aerospace research centers and companies close to the city area, are also planned. The number and location of the visits will be decided during the course along with possible organization constrain.

Modalità Frequenza

It is strongly recommended to attend the course in view of the complexity of the treated arguments.

Modalità Valutazione

Oral examination. The examination dates will be communicated appropriately and published on the web site. Several possibilities will be given to the students to fix the exam starting from the first available date at the beginning of the exam session.