Students who successfully complete the course will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
- z transform analysis of sampled data feedback loops
- a suite of techniques for digital controller design
- expressing real engineering problems as an exercise in linear digital controller design
- choice of appropriate design methodology
- choice of performance analysis tools
- ability to program control system design and analysis problems in matlab
- ability to use the matlab control toolbox
- ability to successfully design a linear digital controller
- write and debug a matlab program
- formulate a digital control problem, design a solution, and test the result by simulating it via matlab
scheda docente | materiale didattico


Introduction to Digital Control System
-Discrete time system representation
-Mathematical modelling of sampling process
-Data reconstruction
Modeling discrete time systems
-Pulse transfer function
-Mapping of s-plane to z-plane
Stability analysis of discrete time system
-Routh Hourwitz stability test
-Jury stability test
Time response of discrete systems
-Transient and steady state responses
-Time response parameters of a prototype second order system
Design of sampled data control systems
-Bode plot
-Steady state compensator
-Discretization of Continuous Controllers
-Difference Approximations
-Impulse/Step Discretization
-Zero-Pole Matching
-Compensator design in w domain
PID controllers
-PID actions
-System identification
-PID parameters tuning
Quantization errors
Introduction to microcontroller: the Arduino board

Testi Adottati

Charles L. Phillips, Troy Nagle, Aranya Chakrabortty, "Digital Control System Analysis & Design", Pearson Education,2014

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

M. Sami Fadali. Antonio Visioli, Digital control engineering, Elsevier

Modalità Erogazione


Modalità Frequenza

--Not applicable

Modalità Valutazione

Written test. Oral exam. Project evaluation.