Questa pagina descrive il corso di dottorato “Opacity in discrete event systems: the cybersecurity perspective“, tenuto dalle Prof.sse Graziana Cavone e Federica Pascucci
- Giovedì 14/12 ore 08:00-10:00 Aula N8
- Venerdì 15/12 ore 08:00-10:00 Aula N8
- Mercoledì 20/12 ore 12:00-14:00 Aula DS3B
- Giovedì 21/12 ore 08:00-10:00 Aula N8
- Venerdì 22/12 ore 08:00-10:00 Aula N8
Nowadays, the spread of Internet of Things (IoT) and big data creates new ways of communication between different devices. Nevertheless, this comes along with greater concern over security issues related to the increasing activity of network services.
Systems with security demands require the distribution of sensitive information between the various devices flowing through a network or interconnected servers. Information security requires that the private and confidential information should never be uncovered by intruders. There are various information flow properties related to security and privacy, such as anonymity, security and opacity. Over the course of decades, opacity has received widespread attention. It is an important information-flow property involved with privacy and security in discrete event systems (DESs). It is adapted to analyze whether the secret behavior of discrete event systems (DESs) can be found by intruders.
In this course, first the definition of discrete event systems opacity will be introduced, considering systems modeled as deterministic finite automata and distinguishing between state-based and language-based opacity. Then, the problems of opacity verification and enforcement will be analyzed, and the related available tools will be presented in the framework of cybersecurity.