The aim of the course is to promote advanced training through theoretical and/or experimental research activities in the disciplines of Civil Engineering. The training of PhD students will make use of highly qualified courses held by the College's lecturers and shorter courses and seminars held by international experts in the various fields of civil engineering. Alongside the development of skills in the chosen field of research, the doctoral course aims to develop transversal skills, so that the doctoral student achieves both maturity and autonomy in scientific research activities and a broad, rigorous and spendable preparation in the professional field. A well-established practice is the possibility of spending a period of time abroad during the PhD, approximately from three months to one year. The doctoral students will be hosted by universities, research centres, and companies engaged in applied research, based in European and non-European countries, taking advantage of the network of contacts of the College's lecturers and researchers. The professional outlets are those of highly qualified figures who find employment in public structures, private companies or research bodies, or who develop entrepreneurial initiatives for which advanced training is required. The combination of advanced training and access to research infrastructures, also through a network of international collaborations, will provide the student with those transversal skills that are increasingly in demand today in the world of profession and research. This will enable the future PhD student to make his or her preparation available in the most diverse contexts, interfacing effectively with colleagues from different backgrounds. The doctorate also naturally contributes to the training of new academics and researchers. The emphasis placed on internationalisation aspects will ensure the possibility of being attractive to the international labour market, providing future PhDs with the freest and widest possible scope for career development.
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Curriculum Ingegneria civile
codice CURR1108